Grouping in bcisive

Are you planning to implement grouping so that various elements (e.g., collection of claims, reasons, evidence) can be visually grouped into logical sections (e.g., problem section, solution section, background section, etc.)? It would make consuming and discussing them a lot easier.

by jtottonb
8 years ago

My apologies for the late reaction.

In the Building Panel under the tab Organize ideas you will find the available options needed to make grouping maps.

by timo
8 years ago

Hi, I don't see grouping in the "organize ideas" section. The boxes in that section are text boxes. What I'm looking for is a way to, for example, draw a box around elements/components on an existing map and for those elements to them move around as a group when I click+drag it.

by jtottonb
7 years ago


What you want is not possible in bCisive or Rationale. Closest is making an image of a map, import it in e.g. Paint and edit it there but you will not be able to move the elements around in the image.

Best, Timo

by timo
7 years ago

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